Tag Archives: life


Last night the boys and I were sitting in our big snuggler chair.  One of them, ahem, passed gas.  Matthew says, “he’s the tootiest”! 

Brooke was dropped off at cheer practice, and then we took Zach to a friends house, so Mattie and I were on our own for a while this afternoon.  I decided to head over to the christian book store.  Matthew is always so good when we’re there.  They have lego blocks to play with, and usually a Veggietales movie playing.  Matthew was exceptionally well behaved today, so at the checkout he got to pick something out.  OK, so you know those rubbery shoes that you can put these cute little doo dads in?  Crocs I think.  Anyway, they have bracelets made out of the same rubbery stuff, and they have charms to go on them.  One of Matthew’s is a guitar that says “Jesus Rocks”.  So yeah, he’s going around saying Jesus Rocks!  It’s so cute!

Under Construction

Brian has a rental building that just leased out starting July 1st.  There were some things that needed to be done to it first.  Among other things, carpet ripped up, a new wall, new paint, new lights and vanity top.  I’ve been helping this week, working my fingers to the bone, and spending some time with my sweet hubby.  He’s done an amazing job over there! 

The carpet is being installed next week, and then the big reveal.  I wish we’d taken some before pictures of the place.  It really looks good. 

The downside to all of this work is that my house is a wreck!  We have no food to speak of, and the grass was so tall.  I did manage to get the grass cut this afternoon, but that’s about it.  Just thought I’d check in with the blogosphere for a quick minute.

We survived

The largest flood in many, many years, and we survived.  Where were the forecasters?  Did anyone say we were going to get 10 inches of rain?  I didn’t hear it if they did! 

I had been digging holes and transplanting plants when we heard the thunder Friday night.  We came inside, and had some sort of power surge/outage where we lost about half of the power.  The microwave and one TV were out, and the lights were dim.  Our neighbor called experiencing the same problem.  Brian ended up turning all the power off, saying something about the refrigerator motor burning up.  Luckily, the kids settled down, and Matthew curled up on my lap and went to sleep by candlelight.  Shortly after they went to bed the power came back on. 

It rained and thundered ALL night.  I don’t think I can ever remember such a long thunderstorm!  When I woke up Sunday morning, the creek was out of it’s banks and swiftly flowing in our yard.  I kept a diligent eye on it, and when it hit a certain spot on our basement patio, we started moving furniture.  I was surprised at how quickly it did come up to the sliding doors, and inside the house.  Luckily God was taking care of us, and it came in about a foot, then quickly started receding when the rain stopped!  The kids took advantage of the furniture being moved and built forts.  I ended up going back outside later in the day, and planted more flowers.  The ground was much easier to dig! 

“I hate that!”

Have you seen the commercial of the mom pushing the daughter in the grocery cart?  The mom says, “we need chicken.”  “i don’t liiike chicken!”, says the little girl. 

That happens in my house every day.  I’m cooking supper and Matthew walks up.  Whatcha cookin’ mom?  Barbecue ribs and broccoli casserole, I say with a smile on my face.  I hate that, he replies.  Then he walks away.  Can you feel the love?

More stuff

Monday I went back to the Home Depot and bought more veggie plants, along with 8 bags of potting soil.  I wrenched my back with the bags, and I’m still paying for it.  I did get everything planted, except for the day lillies that Matthew picked out.  We also picked up some solar lights to replace our old ones.  It’s pretty much been raining ever since.  We do have 5 tomatoes growing on one of our own plants!  Yay us!!! 


This is the reason for my despair.  A giant pimple has taken up residence on my face, just below my lips.  Trust me when I say mine is much worse than this photo, because I’ve been using something to hurry the process along.  This cream seems to have made the zit glow and grow! 

My kids are staring at it, and Matthew wants to touch it.  Brooke and Zach want me to pop it so they don’t have to look at it.  I actually put my finger over it to spare my neighbor when she came to pick Zach up.  I thought I was done with this years ago!

Where have I been?

I’ve been on a little bloggy hiatus that was not planned.  Oh, how I wish I could tell you a wonderful story about warm beaches and spending time with the fam, but I cannot.  I’ve been here all along.  Lost in my own world. 

I’ve been under attack lately, and I just figured out that I’m to blame for that.  Physically, spiritually, financially, and mentally under attack, but it all stops now.  I rebuke satan in the holy and precious name of Jesus Christ, and take away the hold he’s had on me!  I will no longer allow myself to fall into his traps, and wallow in self pity.  I will rejoice and be glad in all the blessings that God has given me.  He gave His Son for me, and I will forever praise Him!  He healed my ear and returned my hearing after 2 different antibiotics.  All of a sudden I could hear, and to top it off we were in church!  He helped me complete all the tasks I had committed to, and on time.  He’s given me a great husband, who works very hard to support us, and loves us very much.  We are all healthy and safe.  We are not hungry or cold.  We have what we need, and then some.  He’s also blessed me with wonderful parents who pray for us, and we have a great relationship.  And friends, great friends I can share with.  I am truly blessed. 


Ear infection for me.  That’s why I haven’t been able to hear out of my right ear since Friday, and I have this horrible ringing that’s driving me CRAZY!  Did I mention the loss of hearing and horrendous ringing?  Oh yeah, and the equilibrium is all messed up..

Cheer Speak

Cheerleaders wear uniforms, not costumes.

It is a squad of girls, not a team. 

( This is for any mom out there who doesn’t know the cheer lingo.  Hopefully I can help you before you embarrass your daughter.  It’s too late for me!)


As I looked out the living room window at the bird feeders, I saw the male cardinal.  The male and female are normally together, but this time he was alone.  I called Matthew over to the window, and he whispered,         ” Yeah, that’s the carnival with the short hair and sunglasses”. 

The female has a mohawk, and very little black on her face around her eyes.  The male has a lot of black around his eyes, thus the sunglasses.  And no matter how clearly I enunciate c-a-r-d-i-n-a-l, he still says carnival. 

That youngest boy of mine!  He makes me smile :)