Tag Archives: faith

The Rest of the Story

Paul Harvey and Prayer

Paul Harvey says:

This is the United States of America , a country founded on Christian principles.  

One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don’t think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world’s foundations.

Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights.  Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep.
  Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing.  Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

God, help us.  And if that last sentence of fends you, well, just sue me.

The silent majority has been silent too long.  It’s time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn’t care what they want.  It is time that the majority rules!  It’s time we tell them, You don’t have to pray; you don’t have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don’t have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away.  We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!

God bless us one and all … Especially those who worship Him , God bless America, despite all her faults.  She is still the greatest nation of all.   God bless our military who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.

Let’s make 2009
the year the silent majority is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions .. And our military forces come home from all the wars.

Keep looking up.

War Bulletin

I picked up my bible and opened it to this.  Zechariah 12:1-14  The Message ”  God’s message concerning Israel, God’s Decree-the very God who threw the skies into space, set earth on a firm foundation, and breathed his own life into men and women:  “Watch for this: I’m about to turn Jerusalem into a cup of strong drink that will have the people who have set siege to Judah and Jerusalem staggering in a drunken stupor.  On the Big Day, I’ll turn Jerusalem into a huge stone blocking the way for everyone.  All who try to lift it will rupture themselves.  All the pagan nations will come together and try to get rid of it.  On the Big Day-this is God speaking- I’ll throw all the war horses into a crazed panic, and their riders along with them.  But I’ll keep my eye on Judah, watching out for her at the same time that I make the enemy horses go blind.  The families of Judah will then realize, ‘Why, our leaders are strong and able through God-of-the-Angel-armies, their personal God’.  On the Big Day I’ll turn the families of Judah into something like a burning match in a tinder dry forest, like a fiercely flaming torch in a barn full of hay.  They’ll burn up everything and everyone in sight-people to the right, people to the left-while Jerusalem fills up with people moving in and making themselves at home-home again in Jerusalem.  I, God, will begin by restoring the common households of Judah so that the glory of David’s family and the leaders in Jerusalem won’t overshadow the ordinary people in Judah.  On the Big Day, I’ll look after everyone who lives in Jerusalem so that the lowliest, weakest person will be as glorious as David and the family of David itself will be godlike, like the Angel of God leading the people.  On the Big Day, I’ll make a clean sweep of all the godless nations that fought against Jerusalem.  Next I’ll deal with the family of David and those who live in Jerusalem.  I’ll pour a spirit of grace and prayer over them.  They’ll then be able to recognize me as the One they so grievously wounded-that piercing spear thrust! And they’ll weep–Oh how they’ll weep!  Deep mourning as a parent grieving the loss of the firstborn child.  The lamentation in Jerusalem that day will be massive, as famous as the lamentation over Hadad-Rimmon on the fields of Megiddo:
Everyone will weep and grieve,
the land and everyone in it:
The family of David off by itself
and their women off by themselves:
The family of Nathan off by itself
and their women off by themselves:
The family of Levi off by itself
and their women off by themselves:
The family of Shimei off by itself
and their women off by themselves:
And all the rest of the families off by themselves
and their women off by themselves.””

My Monday

Brooke was sick and the doctor confirmed it was strep.  We went to Meijer because the antibiotic is free there, which I didn’t know.  It’s great that it’s free, but I’m pretty sure they put everyone else in front of you, because we were there for an hour.  It was crazy!  Smart on their part, because they more than made up for it with what I ended up spending to kill the time. 

Monday night was the 3rd of our Obedience classes for our dog Logan.  I have to go back and tell you about last week before I can share this week though.  Brian decided that I was the one who couldn’t control the dog, so I went to classes alone last week.  Everything was going well, and I handled the Yogi fascination, was even told I had made a good correction.  Things got hairy when the trainer said we were going to walk the dogs around the inside of the building.  Now it’s a small building, and there are lots of dogs going to be in our space, so this made me a little nervous.  Maybe Logan picked up on that, because he was nervous and agitated too.  He was paying attention to all the other dogs and not me, and then he went after Yogo, and then Maddy too.  The trainer took him from me and she started walking him, but he didn’t like that either.  In the end it all worked out well, and the other trainer had him sitting on the floor in front of Yogi with no problems, but I was totally stressed out when I got home.  To make matters worse, Brian said it never would have happened if he had been there.  So I was upset again.

Logan and I did our homework and were felling pretty confident when it came time to go to class this Monday.  Brian and the boys were making fun of us, trying to get me nervous.  I just kept saying that we were gonna rock the class.  On the way to class I said a little prayer for a positive bonding experience.  After that I felt better, and walked into class full of confidence.  We walked right by Yogi without a hitch.  I’ll admit when the trainer began talking about us doing a lot of walking, my heart rate jumped up.  Just when I calmed myself down, the trainer came over and said she was going to walk Logan for a few laps to see how he was going to do.  After a couple of laps, she gave him back to me and said he was doing fine.  We walked and walked until she said halt, then we would stop and he would sit and get a treat.  Then we started walking again.  God helped us through that class.  With every step I took, I was singing.  Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Lord,Yes Yes Lord Amen!  He even learned the Down command.  We rocked the class.  It felt really good to know I could do that, and to come home and be happy instead of frazzled like I was last week. 

Moral of the story, ask God to help you in anything and everything.  In my prayer I even said something like this, in the midst of everything going on in our country right now, and the election tomorrow, here I am praying for a dog, but I believe in You and Your power.

America has voted

I said last week that it was in God’s hands, and His will.  I truly do feel like we are living in the end times, and this presidency may be a punishment from God because we as a country are so morally corrupt, just like in the times of Noah.  I will leave with this passage of scripture, and please take my words in love everyone.  That’s how I’m sending them.  I honestly don’t know how to feel right now.  I’m just relying on God to take away my fears.  There are too many unknowns and unanswered questions for me. 

2 Peter 2:1-10  “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.  They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves.  Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.  In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up.  Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their desturction has not been sleeping.  For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment: if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)-if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.  This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority.  Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings;”

“Moore” Monday

I know, but Moore Tuesday just doesn’t sound right!





Lord God, the enemy boasted, “I will
pursue, I will overtake them.  I will divide the
spoils; I will gorge myself on them.  I will draw
my sword, and my hand will destroy them.”

But You can blow with Your breath and
cause the sea to cover my enemy!  You, Lord,
can cause my enemy to sink like lead in the
mighty waters! (Ex. 15:9-10).

Lord, Your power has not diminished
since the days when You revealed Your power
and glory as You fought for Israel.  I am Your
child, too.  Fight for me, God!  Overpower
the one who seeks to overpower me!

Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word Day by Day

“Moore” Monday





You, God, created my inmost being.  You
knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise
You because I am fearfully and wonderfully
made.  Your works are wonderful.  I know that
full well (Ps. 139:13-14).

Father, my body is not horrible.  I know
that.  I have simply misused it.  Please sanctify it
and take it over completely.

I know, Lord, that my body is a temple
of the Holy Spirit who is in me, whom I have
received from You.  I am not my own; I was
bought at a price.  Therefore I desire to honor
You with my body (1 Cor. 6:19-20).


Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word Day by Day

“Moore” Monday





Lord, I don’t want to be like those on the
road to Emmaus, who stood still with their
faces downcast when You asked, “What are
you discussing together as you walk along?”
They responded, “We had hoped that he was
the one who was going to redeem Israel” 
(Luke 24:17,21).

They did not understand that the cross
had to come before the kingdom.  How foolish
they were!  The very death which they had
responded to with hopelessness represented
the greatest hope of all time!

Lord God, I ask forgiveness for every
single time I have blamed my hopelessness on You.
You are the God of hope.  You are the Blessed
Hope Himself.

Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word Day by Day

Heaven is Real

“Thus saith the Lord, the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool:  where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?”  Isaiah 66:1 KJV

“Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.”  2 Corinthians 5:1 NIV

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1 NASB

” Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:19-21 NIV

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.  I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”  Revelation 21:1-2 NIV

Max Lucado, Grace for the Moment

“Of all the blessings of heaven, one of the greatest will be you!  You will be God’s magnum opus, his work of art.  The angels will gasp.  God’s work will be completed.  At last, you will have a heart like his.  You will love with perfect love.  You will worship with a radiant face.  You’ll hear each word God speaks.  Your heart will be pure, your words will be like jewels, your thoughts will be like treasures.  You will be just like Jesus.  You will, at long last, have a heart like his.” 

Prayer for a child’s room

Lord, I invite Your Holy Spirit to dwell in this room, which belongs to ______________.  You are Lord over Heaven and earth, and I proclaim that You are Lord over this room as well.  Flood it with Your light and life.  Crowd out any darkness which seeks to impose itself here, and let no spirits of fear, depression, anger, doubt, anxiety, rebelliousness, or hatred find any place here.  I pray that nothing will come into this room that is not brought by You, Lord.  If there is anything here that should not be, show me so it can be taken out. 

Put Your complete proptection over this room so that evil cannot enter here by any means.  Fill this room with Your love, peace and joy.  I pray that my child will say, as David in the Bible did, “i will walk within my house with a perfect heart.  I will set nothing wicked before my eyes”. (Psalm 101:2-3)  I pray that You, Lord, will make this room a holy place, sanctified for Your Glory. 
From Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie O’Martian

You shall take the annointing oil and annoint the tabernacle and all that is in it and you shall hallow it an all it’s utensils, and it shall be holy.  Exodus 40:9

Last week I annointed rooms and said this prayer in my house.  I’ve been seeking the Lord much more closely, and satan is attacking because of it.  It’s ok when he comes after me, but when he goes after my kids, … well I let him know they are off limits to him.  I am prepared with the armor of God to fight him all the way. 

“Moore” Monday






Father, Your Word asks the questions,
“Who is it you have insulted and blasphemed?
Against whom have you raised your voice and
lifted your eyes in pride?  Against the Holy One
of Israel!”  (2 Kings 19:22).

Please help me to have a proper respect for You, O God.

A day is certainly coming, Father, when the
arrogance of man will be brought low and
the pride of men humbled.  You alone will be
exalted in that day (Isa. 2:17).

Help me to humble myself under Your mighty
hand, Lord, that You may lift me up in due
time (1 Peter 5:6).  Help me to humble
myself now so You are free to
do wonders later!

Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word Day by Day