Category Archives: WFMW

Works for Me Wednesday


We don’t have city water, we have a well.  Yeah, we live in the suburbs!  Our water is so hard and rusty.  We used to have a water softener, and then my husband had to disconnect it for some reason, I can’t remember why.  Anyway, it hasn’t worked for a while now.  We have a drip in the kids bathtub, and it leaves a really nice round rust stain.  I’ve tried all the recommended rust removers, and out of frustration one day I squirted a little of the Sno Bowl toilet cleaner on a toothbrush.  Ya know what, it worked really well.  Very little scrubbing and the stain was gone.  Be sure to read the label to see what you can use it on, but it works for me.  For more great ideas, check out Rocks in My Dryer.

Works for Me Wednesday

wfmwsmall1.jpgI can’t believe it’s Wednesday already, but all the people lined up over at Rocks in My Dryer tell me otherwise.   When you’re done here, drop by using the above link and catch all the other great ideas!

Do you suddenly become overwhelmed and short of breath after the Christmas or birthday gifts have been opened and your floor is covered up with pretty paper?  I do, but I’ve found a great way to recycle this paper.  I just run it through the paper shredder and store it in a bag or box in the basement.  When I have a gift for someone special, or one of the kids friends or teachers…it seems like we’re always needing something for someone…back to the subject!  When I have a gift, I go to the box of shredded wrapping paper and grab a handful to fill in the bag.  It saves money on tissue paper, and I can never make that look right anyway.  Now that I’m clipping coupons, I can also do this with the cutouts from the coupons.  The shreds are so small you really can’t tell what it is.  That’s what works for me! 

Works for Me Wednesday


 This post is coming to you a little late because I fell asleep snuggling with my sick little one.  The topic this week is online shopping, and where is your favorite place to find bargains on the web.  I have to admit, I’m pretty new to the shopping online because I’m pretty much an instant gratification person.  When I buy something, I like to have it in my hands!  With that said, I’ve just become a fan of ebay, and have found a few really great deals on there.  It does take some time to check it out and bid, but you can come away with some great deals.  I also love to support the artisans at etsy, for their handmade items.  Like I said, I’m pretty new to this, so you can check out tons more online shopping places over at Rocks in my Dryer

Works for Me Wednesday

This is my first attempt at a blog carnival, but I’ve learned so much from some of these women.  Tonight I’m making Chicken and Noodles.  Just poached the frozen chicken breasts in water, added the noodles, and here’s the secret…. added a can of cream of chicken soup to the pot to thicken it up.  It’s really great if you can find the can with the herbs added in, then you have one less step.  It’s so simple, yet so yummy on a cold winter day!  I hope you enjoy the simplicity of it.  For more ideas, visit Rocks in my Dryer.