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President anyone?!

Please excuse me as I jump right off my soapbox before I even share my frustrations with you about the presidential candidates.  I just feel the need to pray for our country. 

Dear God,

I come to You now to celebrate this nation and surrender its destiny to You.  Thank you for giving us this country.  I thank You and ask You to bless the souls of those who founded this nation, this ONE NATION UNDER GOD.  Fill us with Your love and righteousness, so that we can bring healing to our country.  May we be cleansed of all our destructive thoughts.  May judgement of others, such as bigotry, racism, and intolerance be taken from us, wash us clean, O Lord.  Let our minds be filled with thoughts of You, and Your unconditional love and acceptance for all peoples.  May you forgive us, this nation, of our transgressions, and bless us.  Help us to learn from our mistakes.  Use us for Your good.  Turn our lives into instruments of resurrection, that the sins of our fathers might be reversed through us.  May the beauty of this land burst forth in the hearts of the people.  May the dreams of our forefathers be realized in us, so that we might live in honesty, integrity, and excellence with our neighbors.  Make our country a light for all nations, a light of hope, goodness, peace and freedom.  Cast darkness and violence out of our midst Dear Lord.  May hatred no longer grow here.  May we all feel Your grace upon us, and the spirit of truth in our hearts.  May we be forgiven, repaired and renewed My Lord.  May You bless our children.  May You bless our government leaders.  O Lord, please bless America.

90 Day Bible Reading-Day 14


“Purge the evil.”  That seems to be the resounding theme in the beginning.  I counted it 9 times.  The Israelites were commanded to remain clean and pure by purging the ungodly from among them.  Moses says in 18:15 ” The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own borthers.  You must listen to him.”  Everyone knows who that prophet is, but do we always honor Him?  Jesus was the ultimate prophet, and He’s already been compared to Moses in our previous readings. 

In chapter 20, he tells them to not be afraid when they go to battle because God will be with them.  v4 “For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”

23:12-13  Thank you for indoor plumbing and privacy.

Chapter 27- Moses tells the people to keep all the commands he’s given when they get into the promised land, set up an altar with stones covered in plaster, and write all the words of this law on the stones.  I would hate to be in charge of all that writing on plaster covered stones.

Chapter 28-The Lord will bless you richly if you fully obey his commands. 
Chapter 29- The Israelites enter into the covenant that the Lord will seal with an oath, made for his people, so that He will be their God.

When I went to my study Bible to review the laws, this is what I found that helps explain the breakdown. 

There were 16 major ethical concerns in the Covenant

1.  Personhood- everyone’s person is to be secure

2.  False Accusation-everyone is to be secure against slander and false accusation

3.  Woman-No woman is to be taken advantage of within her subordinate status in society

4.  Punishment-punishment for wrongdoing shall not be excessive so that the culprit is dehumanized

5.  Dignity-every Israelite’s dignity and right to be God’s freedman and servant are to be honored and safeguarded

6.  Inheritance-every Israelite’s inheritance in the promised land is to be secure

7.  Property-everyone’s property is to be secure

8.  Fruit of Labor-everyoned is to receive the fruit of his labors

9.  Fruit of the Ground-everyone is to share the fruit of the ground

10.  Rest on Sabbath-everyone, down to the humblest servant and the resident alien, is to share in the weekly rest of God’s sabbath

11.  Marriage-the marriage relationship is to be kept inviolate

12.  Exploitation-no one, however disabled, impoverishe or powerless, is to be oppressed or exploited

13.  Fair Trial- everyone is to have free access to the courts and is to be afforded a fair trial

14.  Social Order-every person’s God-given place in the social order is to be honored

15.  Law-no one shall be above the law, not evne the king

16.  Animals-Concern for the welfare of other creatures is to be extended to the animal world.

That came from my Zondervan study bible. 

Tomorrow is a short reading of Deuteronomy 30-34.  Any questions?

90 Day Bible Reading-Day 12-13

I knew it would be easier when the kids were home and on Christmas vacation, but I am pathetic.  I’m doing my readings, but can’t squeeze out more time to blog about it in depth.  So here’s another overview…


Continues with laws and offerings in which Joshua will have to see to it the Israelites follow, since Moses is going to be “gathered to his people.”  I liked all of the sacred assemblies, festivals, and doing no regular work.  That’s something I’d be OK with keeping from the OT. 

They killed all of the men in the Midianite tribe with the help of the Lord, and brought the women, children and animals back to Moses.  Moses ordered them to kill all the boys, and women who have slept with a man.  They divided what was brought back.  Boundaries were set for the land of Canaan, with a place for the Levites, where 6 of the cities were designated at Cities of Refuge.  It talks about the act of murder, and if it is intentional, then that person shall be put to death.  That could spark some heated debates, so I’m not touching it!

In Deuteronomy, Moses tells the people what God has shared with him.  He also recants some of the happenings along the journey.  How the Israelites were grumbling, and rebellious too.  Moses reviews the laws and commandments.  Deuteronomy 6:5  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  God promises in Chapter 11, verse 14 to send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil.  Chapter 14 talks about tithes, and setting aside a tenth of all that the fields produced each year.  I really like Chapter 15 also.  It says that at the end of every 7 years, all debts must be cancelled.  No more house payment would be pretty nice! 

I hope you’ve done your readings, and can follow what I shared.  Tomorrow is Deuteronomy 17-29.  Happy reading, and God Bless You.

Sunday Scripture 9

sunday-scripture31.jpgNumbers 14:8-9  If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.  9 Only do not rebel against the Lord.  And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up.  Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us.  Do not be afraid of them. 

Joshua and Caleb spoke these words to the Israelites who had gone and explored Canaan and came back saying there was a vast amount of people living there who would overtake them.  What separated Joshua and Caleb from the rest of the group of explorers?  Faith.  The others had lost sight of all God had done for them, and didn’t trust that God would continue to take care of them.  Joshua and Caleb stood up to them in faith, or full confidence as my notes say, that God would protect them. 

He promises us a new earth.  Do you trust Him enough to stand up for Him, or will you forsake Him.  I pray that He is pleased with us, and He brings us into Heaven and the new earth, to live eternally in His presence. 

Stop over at Amy’s to read more Sunday Scripture.

90 Day Bible Reading-Day 6

EXODUS 16-28

The people of Israel complained, Moses intervened and spoke to God, and God provided.  He defeated the Amelekites while Moses stood with his arms and staff raised to Heaven.  In my study bible, I read that showed his dependence, trust and faith in God.  Whenever Moses’ intercession weaned, so did the flow of God’s power on behalf of His people.  This divine principle  continues to operate under the new covenant.  If we fail to call on God daily in prayer, then the divine life, protection, blessing and grace will begin to stop flowing to us.  Our only hope for VICTORY lies in continually approaching the throne of grace through Christ. 

In chapter 18, Moses father in law, Jethro, counsels him on how to delegate officials to help him serve as judges. 

Chapter 19-  God’s covenant is established with the people of Israel on Mound Sinai.  Chapter 20-  The Ten Commandments are recorded here.  God wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to Moses. 

Moral Law-Exodus 20:1-17  God’s standards for holy living

Civil Law-Exodus 21:1-23:33  Israel’s legal and social life regulations as a nation

Ceremonial law-the form and ritual of Israel’s worship and sacrifice

The OT laws were never complete, nor were they intended to be.  They were temporary until Jesus came, and then they were replaced with the new covenant.  Our plan of salvation is through Jesus Christ.  God allowed certain evils, slavery is one, for a time, because the people’s hearts were so hardened.  Know that those were changed in the NT, and we cannot receive God’s blessings and live a sinful life at the same time. 

Chapter 24-The covenant is confirmed through the blood.  The blood of the OT sacrifice, and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus.  The blood stood for cleansing and sacrifice, as it still does today. 

Chapter 25-  The offerings for the Tabernacle.  It is overwhelming when you think about the ornate details and fine jewels, gold, silver, and linens used to describe the making of the Tabernacle, altar, courtyard, and robes.  I had a “God Stop” (Beth Moore) moment while reading.  I’ve recently finished a study on Revelation, so I was pleased to see the Lampstand description.  The Lamps represent God’s light or presence!  Let there be light..

See you tomorrow for Exodus 29 – Lev. 1

90 Day Bible Reading-Day 3


Today’s reading depicts alot of deceit, jealousy and bitterness.  We start off reading about Esau and Isaac.  Isaac told Esau to go out and hunt for game, then prepare his favorite meal for him, so that he could give him his blessing.  Rebekah overheard, and told Jacob how to deceive his father.  Isaac mistakenly gave Jacob the blessing.  Esau was very angered and vowed to take Jacob’s life, so Rebekah and Isaac sent Jacob away.  Now if you remember, God had already told Isaac that the older child Esau would serve the younger, Jacob.  So Isaac was taking action to bless Esau, and going against God.  Also, Jacob deceived his family twice to get what he wanted, and what he was going to rightfully get in good time.  In the end, he had to leave his home, and he would never see his mother again.  He would also never obtain spiritual success.  It makes me really want to be patient, and wait for God’s timing.  Jacob got what he wanted, but it turned out to be more of a curse than a blessing without God on his side. 

When Jacob left Beersheba to travel to Haran, he stopped to rest at night.  The angels of God came to him in a dream, and after them came the Lord.  God promised to be with him as his guide and to protect him always.  Jacob found his uncle Laban, and eventually married his 2 daughters.  Between his wives and their maidservants, Jacob had 12 sons, whose descendants would later become the 12 tribes of Israel.  Jacob and his family fled from Laban, and he traveled home to meet Esau.  Esau greeted him with a hug and tears, so after many years of separation, God’s grace brought them back together.  Jacob again lies to his brother about where he is going, and travels to Shechem.  God had told Jacob to go to the home of his father Isaac, but he didn’t listen.  Now I struggle with God sometimes, with things like forgiveness and anger, and try to take things into my own hands, but I don’t think if God came to me as a manifestation that I could do that.  I guess that he’s always with me though, and sees how ugly I can be with built up unforgiveness, and that should be my motivation.  But I think about what it will be like in Heaven, to be able to have a face to face conversation with God!  How Awesome that will be!! 

As I now type, it is a new day…stay with me.

Jacob failed to listen to God and live where He told him to, and instead chose to live by a pagan city.  His daughter Dinah was violated from Shechem.  This immorality reminds me of Lot and his daughters.  Makes me want to move somewhere very very rural with my kids and shelter them.  I pray that they get what they need from me, and not wander away from God seeking something else. 

Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, killed the men of the city.  Jacob’s sons did not bring him glory from their actions.  God told Jacob to go build an altar at Bethel, and this time he listened.  He found a renewed faith in God, and instructed his family to giet rid of the foreign gods they had and to purify themselves.  Because of this, God again gave him protection, blessing, and the land gave to Abraham and Isaac, and changed his name from Jacob to Israel.  Jacob singles out Joseph by giving him an ornate robe, thus causing great jealousy to the other brothers.  They sold him as a slave, and told Jacob that animals must have attacked him.  God used this to work out his plan for Joseph’s life.  Joseph was faithful to God, even in trials, and God remained with him, showing him such love and mercy.  Joseph was different from his brothers, and I think that’s why God chose him to protect. 

Judah, Jacob’s 4th son from Leah, also possessed loose morals.  He slept with his daughter in law, thinking she was a prostitute, and she bore twins, Perez and Zerah. 

Joseph’s master saw that he was blessed to have him as a servant, and trusted him with everything he owned.  His masters wife tried to seduce Joseph on occasions, but he refused her.  One day she kept his cloak and claimed that he had tried to seduce her, so Joseph was thrown into prison.  Even then, God was with him.  Does it strike you in any way, how completely faithful Joseph was?  He struggled and had a difficult life, but did not quit believing that God would bring him through.  Joseph faced 3 tests for God while in Egypt.  He faced the test of sexual sin, or purity, and he did not fail.  He faced an opportunity for revenge, and he did not fail.  Lastly, he faced death.  Why did Joseph overcome?  Because he had a deep trust in God, and he ran from sin.  He claimed victory over sin, and was obedient to God, therefore he was blessed abundantly.  I want to profess that kind of FAITH!!!  Thank You God, for giving me many second chances, and allowing me to confess and repent of my sins to You, to ask You for forgiveness, and know that you will grant it.  Bless me with wisdom and discernment, just like Joseph had, so that I may be victorious in this battle too.  Thank You for Your infinite love, and the gift of Jesus. 

The Reading for Sunday is Genesis 40 – Exodus 2

“Moore” Thursday

Normally it is a Monday post, but I’m behind and playing catch up. 



Lord, I come to you in prayer, and ask You now to let Your peace, God, which transcends all understanding, guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7).  Help me not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time I will reap a harvest if I do not give up (Gal. 6:9). 

Lord, when You bring this captive completely back to You, I will be like those who dream!  My mouth will be filled with laughter and my tongue with songs of joy!  The Lord has done great things for me, and I am filled with joy! (Ps. 126:1-3).  You, O Lord, have filled my heart with greater joy than when my grain and new wine abound (Ps. 4:7). 

From Beth Moore’s Praying God’s Word Day by Day

I’m getting ready to start something new in my life, and God is prompting me to share and invite you.  I’m going to read the bible in 90 days, and I’ll tell you more about that in the next post.  For right now, focus on the joy that God fills you with every day. 

“Moore” Monday #3

Yes, I know it’s Thursday.  Apparently time has passed me by this week, so I’m playing catch up.  Bear with me.  I’ll explain later, but want to get this done first. 



Father, since I have been justified through faith, I have peace with You through my Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:1). 

How I praise You, my God, that in Christ and through faith in Him I may approach You with freedom and confidence!  (Eph. 3:12).  Help me to understand that the amount of faith I possess will greatly affect the freedom and confidence with which I approach You.

Father, You have written Your Word to those of us who believe in the name of the Son of God so that I may know I have eternal

 life (1 John 5:13).

Help me to know and stop doubting. 

That is from Beth Moores Praying God’s Word Day by Day.


Sunday Scripture 5

sunday-scripture3.jpgMy thanks to Amy for starting this.  Each week it has been great, and I really enjoy reading everyone else’s scripture. 

Today I really wanted to do Luke 2, but figure I’ll wait on that one until a little closer to Christmas.  My verse that I chose is John 8:12.

When Jesus spoke to again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. 

Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

We’ve been trying to turn off the lights when we do our advent readings, to help show to the kids that Jesus is the light.  We read by the light of the candle, and it just brings a peace to the room.  Even when the kids are arguing over who gets to blow out the candle, or turn on the lights, there is a peace like no other.  Let Jesus be your light, and bask in the glow of His love.  Peace be with you!

Gotta Pray

Dear Heavenly Father,

 You know what I am struggling with right now.  It feels so overwhelming and incomprehensible to me, but I know You have a plan.  Your plan will work out for me, and I just need to follow it.  Help me to seek you, and be ever present for Brian.  I pray that he will hear Your call for him, and open his heart.  Thank you for your blessings and forgiveness.  Thank you for your Word. 
In Jesus Name,
