Category Archives: Read the Bible in 90 days

90 day Bible Reading-Day2

GENESIS 14-26  

Brief outline:  Abram rescues Lot from the four kings after he was taken captive in Sodom.  The kings of Sodom and Salem blessed Abram, but Abram wouln’t accept anything belonging to them so he wouldn’t break the oath he’d made with God.  The Lord made a covenant with Abram that he would have an heir, from his own body, and his descendents would inherit the land.  He would be the father of many nations.   Ishmael was born from the maidservant Hagar. 

In chapter 17  Abram becomes Abraham-father of many nations.  Sarai becomes Sarah-mother of many nations. 

Chapter 18 tells of three visitors to Abraham.  The Lord tells him that next year, Sarah will bear him a son.  God tells Abraham about the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah.  Abraham pleads with God, “will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked?”After study, I read that one of the men was most likely a manifestation of God in human form, and the other two were angels appearing as men.  Abraham may not have immediately recognized that from his reaction to them.

In chapter 19,  the two men, now called angels escorted Lot and his family out of Sodom before it is destroyed.  Lot’s wife looks back at Sodom after being told not to, and turns into a pillar of salt.  Lot’s daughters deceived him, and bore children from him.  I didn’t catch the warning not to look back, and questioned why the “pillar of salt.”  They were told in verse 17 to “Flee and don’t look back…or you will be swept away.”  Do you think Lot’s daughters were immoral because they were exposed to immorality in Sodom? 

Chapter 20- Abraham lies to Abimelech, saying that Sarah is his sister, having little faith that God would protect them in the new land.  Abraham again has a faith failure, but God intervenes with Abimelech in a dream. 

Chapter 21brings the birth of Isaac, and Hagar and Ishmael are sent away.  God told Abraham that He would make Ishmael into a nation also. 

Abraham is tested again in chapter 22.  God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac, and he was going to do it.  He is again told that his descendants will possess all nations and be blessed.  I found a few good things in this.  Abraham tells his servants to wait, and he and Isaac will be back.  He was already showing his faith, that God would not allow him to sacrifice his own son.  He then tells Isaac that “God will provide the lamb” when Isaac asked where the offering was.   Also, it says that Isaac was a boy, and he carried the wood for the offering.  He had to be an adolescent by then, or young adult.  Isaac let his father bind him and lay him on the altar, and probably watched as his father drew out a knife, before and angel stopped Abraham.  Why would Isaac not resist or fight Abraham?  He surely could have overtaken him.  But he didn’t.  He was obeying his father, just like Jesus did.

Sarah dies in chapter 23, at age 127.  Abraham pays Ephron for property to bury her in a cave.  That is the only piece of land in Canaan that Abraham ever owned. 

Chapter 24, Rebekah is chosen for Isaac and they marry. 

Chapter 25, Abraham dies at age 175, and is buried with Sarah.  Ishmaels family lived near the border of Egypt after he died, and they lived in hostility toward all their borthers.  Isaac and Rebekah have twins- Esau and Jacob.  God told Rebekah that two nations will be born from her, and that they will be separated, the older serving the younger.  When they were born, Esau was red and hairy, and Jacob was holding onto Esau’s heel.  Isaac loved Esau who was a hunter, and Rebekah loved Jacob, who liked to stay among the tents.  Jacob eventually  gets Esau to sell him his birthright. 

Chapter 26, There’s a famine, and Isaac goes to Abimelech, and deceives him that Rebekah is his sister.  Isaac planted crops and was blessed greatly.  Abimelech sends them away, then later comes to him to make a treaty that they wouldn’t harm the other.   The chapter ends with Esau marrying two wives, and says he was a source of grief. 

90 Day Bible Reading Plan-January


1.  Genesis ch. 1-13

2.  Genesis 14-26

3. Genesis 27-39

4.  Gen. 40-Exodus 2

5.  Ex. 3-15

6.  Ex. 16-28

7.  Ex. 29-Lev.  1

8.  Lev. 2-14

9.  Lev. 15-27

10.  Num. 1-13

11.  Num. 14-26

12.  Num.  27-Deut 3

13.  Deut. 4-16

14.  Deut. 17-29

15.  Deut. 30-34


16.  Joshua 1-13

17.  Josh.  14-24

18.  Judges 1-13

19.  Judges 14-Ruth 4

20.  1 Samuel 1-13

21.  1 Samuel 14-26

22.  1 Samuel 27- 2 Samuel 8

23.  2 Samuel 9-21

24.  2 Samuel 22- 1 Kings 10

25.  1 Kings 11-22

26.  2 Kings 1-13

27.  2 Kings 14-25

28.  I Chronicles 1-13

29.  I Chronicles 14-26

That will get us through January, and we’ll be 1/3 of the way through our journey through the bible. 

Someone asked me what bible I’m using, so I’ll pass that along.  It’s not recommended that you use your study bible for this, so I have a smaller NIV printed by Zondervan that will fit easily into my purse.  The print is small, but OK to read, and today’s was only around 10 pages.  I can’t remember if I said this already, but you’re not supposed to take notes or highlight in your “reading” bible.  I kept a pencil handy and made a small mark beside anything that jumped out at me.  That way I can go back and highlight that in my study bible, or go back and study it at a later time.  I hope that helps answer your question.   

90 Day Bible Reading

Wow!  I am so pleased that this is generating such an interest.  There have been a few skeptics, and that is OK too.  Mainly the concern is with how much retention there will be by reading such a large amount in a short period of time.  I had that question as well, but after researching some more, found that the testimonials of those who have completed the reading are so encouraging.  I don’t expect to remember all that I read, or major in theology.  My expectations are to have a deeper awareness of the foundation of the bible, or the framework, and that God will lead me in remembering what He wants me to bring out of this.  I’ll make connections and see themes that I might not see if I were reading both from the OT and the NT daily.  I do realize this is in no way a study of the bible.  That will follow this reading in 90 days.  By then, I pray to have a greater understanding of the Word, to aid in my study. 

My 11 year old daughter is doing this with me, and we have completed today’s reading of Genesis 1-13.  It is a very easy read, I’d say 30 to 40 minutes tops.  Don’t get bogged down with the genealogy, but don’t skip it either.  Read it all.  I’m contemplating doing tomorrow’s reading today as well, because I’m a day behind another blogger friend, and don’t have any interest in an accountability partner yet…. :(       That reading will be Genesis 14 -26.  It’s more difficult, on this first day, to stop reading and not want to go on.  Hopefully that attitude will remain. 

The book of Genesis focuses on the creation and maintenance of the kingdom.  Genesis shows us that God wants to have a relationship with us, and is truly disappointed when we fall short and sin.  I noticed that with the advance of sin on the earth, the average age of death was lowering.  A few other key bits from today’s reading were about the sin of Adam and Eve that alienated God from mankind, the flood  which was God’s judgement on the world due to the extreme sinful nature of man, and the advance of violence and corruption, and finally the Tower of Babel.  The building of the tower offended God, so he scattered the people all over the earth, and confused the language.   Up until then everyone spoke the same language.  Oh, I can’t forget Cain and Abel.  The first instance of jealousy, where Cain kills Abel.  And we’re just starting to learn about Abraham.   My next post will be the reading plan for January.  If you want the entire plan, just let me know and I’ll put it up. 

Read the Bible in 90 Days

Sound like a heavy load or a lofty task?  Well… let me challenge you to get on board and let God move in your life.  I first heard about this last month, and tried to get signed up with a group of people on the web, but the group was full.  I’ve been researching it and found some great information for you.  For some basic info, please visit The Bible in 90 days.   You’ll find testimonials and FAQs there.  Here I’ll reiterate the mission and some key info to get you started, but first I want to explain why I’m doing this.  First, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve read the entire bible.  When I did read it through, it wasn’t read as a single book, but as a few chapters Old Testament, and a few chapters of the New Testament.  So why for me now?  Because God commands it, and I want to grow in His Word.  Deuteronomy 17:18 – 20 tells the story of a king who needs “the Book”.  “It shall be With him”…always. ”  “he shall Read therein all the days of his life.”  I say why not?  I don’t want satan to have any strongholds on me, so I plan on putting on my armor. 

The plan is to read it through from beginning to end, and gain a perspective of God’s plan for salvation through the generations.  The mission is “To read ATTENTIVELY every word of the Bible in 90 days.” 

Why 90 days instead of a year?  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had that as my goal, and gotten bogged down in Leviticus, never to return again.  It’s a short term commitment, where lots can be learned.  People have found that reading large chunks over a short period of time helps you make connections and see themes you might not otherwise see.  This is in no way an in depth Bible study, and that should come later.  In this 90 days, you’ll get the meaning of the Bible, and of God’s plan and purpose. 

It is recommended that you not use your regular study Bible, and not to mark your reading Bible up a lot.  You may just want to have a pencil ready to mark a verse, and later go to your study Bible to highlight it.  There will also be times that God will speak to you as you read, so do keep a notepad handy. 

The specific plan calls for a specific Bible that is already in daily sections for you and averages to 12 pages per day.  I don’t have that,  but I found in my research that it averages 13 to 16 chapters daily, and has two days built in as free days.  The reading time is between 45 to 60 minutes per day.  I also have a guide of daily readings that I will post later today, the first one being Genesis 1-13.  As I said earlier, this is a serious commitment, for EVERY DAY reading.  Things are going to come up between now and the end of March to disrupt your plans, but you have to be ready for that and willing to do whatever it takes to stay on schedule. 

I want us to be accountable for this.  I need someone to ask me about my reading, and if you sign on to do this with me, be sure to know I will be asking you about yours!  I want to post along the way about God moments and what we learn, so keep me updated along the journey as to how He’s reaching out to you. 

In the words of Philip Green, let me encourage you.  ”  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Any child of God endeavoring to acquire more faith must spend time in the words of the living God.  For we are commanded to give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.  (1 Timothy 4:13) 

Let’s start today and finish up on April 1st.  I can’t wait to start this journey!  I have so much to say about this, but I know how lengthy this is already.  I’ll post the schedule later on this morning, after I sleep a bit!