Monthly Archives: August 2008

my today

Nothing much going on here.  We went to the carwash, and then to United Arts and Education.  Matthew is getting bored with the school stuff that we have, so I thought we’d look for something fun.  We came out of there with a few games, and the most exciting thing…… a Grow a Frog kit.  You send away for a tadpole or froglet, and raise it.  The one they had in the store was huge!  It was a very cute water frog, and Matthew and I both loved it.  I thought it would be a great thing to do for Science. 

After that we both went and got haircuts.  I had about 4 inches taken off of mine, and he just had a trim and a spike job.  We’ll see if daddy notices!

School and Germs

The two go hand in hand.  It never fails that when school starts, so do all the infections.  They run rampant through the halls of education, seeking a warm body to inhabit.  This time they’ve found my Boo Bear!  Brooke is sick, and the doctor said it’s just viral, but did give us a prescription for eardrops.  Thank you God for our health insurance, because the tiny little bottle of ear drops only cost us $15.  The paper on the outside of the bag says our insurance saved us $184!  What!?  That just seems like highway robbery, or price gouging, or just completely ridiculous!!!!!  Is it liquid gold? 

It had better make her feel like dancin’ soon!

“Moore” Monday

Since I was working yesterday, I had to wait to post this.  I didn’t want to put it off until next week.





Father, Your Word promises me that the
one who conceals his sins does not prosper, but
whoever confesses and renounces them finds
mercy (Prov. 28:13).  Your Word also says that
if we claim to be without sin, we deceive our-
selves, and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8).

Help me, Lord!  I need Your truth in me!
Lord, I confess all my sins to You right now-
specifically-by name-and I thank You that
You are always faithful and just to forgive me
of all my sin and purify me from all
unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  As a
believer in Your Son, Jesus Christ, I am
under grace, not under law (Rom 6:14).
Therefore, sin does not have
permission to be my master. 


Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word Day by Day


One quick note on a bad thing about working outside of the home.  I have been snacking all day!  I stopped and bought a 44 ounce diet coke, a small bag of pretzels and chocolate turtle chex mix before I came in, and I have had my hand in a bag all day.  I have to stop….but there’s only a few pieces left in the turtle chex mix, then I can throw the bag away.

Working Mom

Today I am a working (away from home) mom.  Brian owns his own business, and I used to work with/for him.  I was put on bedrest with Matthew our youngest, in June of 2003, and since that time I have been a stay at home (working) mom.  I feel very privileged to be able to do that, and I love my husband dearly for the hard work that he does to provide for our family.  I also miss seeing him throughout the day like we did when we were together at the shop, and have toyed with the idea of going back once Matthew goes to school.

Brian thinks he is Superman and lifts things that should really require 3 men to lift.  Due to this, he is laid up in bed today with severe back pain.  As I was trying to help him out this morning, he asked me to do him a favor.  I, of course, said “what?”.  Well, he asked me to go into work to help them out with answering phones and stuff.  (Big pause here for you to breathe and digest.  That’s what I needed to do, so I’m allowing you the same.)  At the time he asked, I had been cleaning the kitchen, and was in the midst of mopping.  I had grand ideas of all the projects that I was going to finish today, and I was really going to do it.  Not like most other times!  I was motivated, and then this dropped in my lap.

I didn’t let it get me down though.  I spritzed myself with deodorant, took the sweats off and got dressed, left the hair in a pony tail, and came in.  So far it’s not been bad.  Dare I say I’ve actually enjoyed it?  Umm,, yeah.  It’s been good.  Kind of slow for me, but I do have blogging to do!

Maybe tomorrow I’ll still be in the mood to clean, but I seriously doubt it!  I’ll probably just do what has to be done, and spend time playing with Matthew.  I do miss that little ball of giggles!


I forgot to mention that I had to pick Zach up from school because he threw up.  So, Yeah!  Lucky me!

Kids are my job

With the start of school came the back to school night, the open house, meet the teachers, too many students enrolled in the 4th grade, 31 to 33 in each of the 4 classes, and a new teacher being brought in.  Can you say chaos?  Oh, and the 7th grader had homework on the first night…not a good sign!  And that was only 3 days. 

Friday night we went to see SUPERHERO, a production by Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre, documenting the last week of Jesus’ life.  It was incredible!!!  Brooke and I had seen it last year, and were moved to tears by it.  We took Brian and Zach with us this time, and cried again.  The performances are so powerful, and 3 of the performers actually teach Brooke in dance.  We are so blessed. 

Saturday was free, and I was looking forward to getting some stuff done around the house, and then just lounging!  My friend Shannon has been talking about this great book, and I’m not gonna tell you the name of it yet, so I was going to the book store too.  Brian and Zach were going to watch some racing at a dirt track, and it was smooth sailing at home for me.  That all changed when Brian said his mom and dad were going to the races too, so we all went. 

I’m used to Zach racing on concrete or asphalt, so the dirt is something to get used to.  I’m not a fan of it yet, but Brian assures me that Zach is ready to race the mini sprint, and that it is much cheaper than quarter midgets.  We’ll see!

Yesterday I helped a friend out with some digital scrapbooking, and did get to read that book.  Ya know, the book that I haven’t told you the name of yet, because it is so good I want to review it here for you, at a later date in time.  Sorry for keepin’ ya hangin!

Laundry was on my list today.  I hate laundry!

“Moore” Monday





I give thanks to You, Lord, for You are good.
Your love endures forever.

I give thanks to You, the God of gods.  I
give thanks to You, the Lord of lords, to You
who alone does great wonders, who by Your
understanding made the heavens, who spread
out the earth upon the waters, who made the
great lights and the sun to govern the day.

Your love endures forever.

I give thanks to You, Lord, the One who remembered
me in my low estate and freed me from
my enemies.

I give thanks to the God of heaven, for
Your love endures forever.  Indeed, Your love
endures forever!  (Ps. 136:1-8,23-26).

Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word Day by Day

“Moore” Monday






At this moment, Father, I am choosing the
way of truth.  I want to set  my heart on Your
laws (Ps. 119:30).  I want to choose the way of
truth the rest of my days.

Test me, O Lord, and try me.  Examine
my heart and my mind, for Your love is ever
before me, and I desire to walk continually in
Your truth (Ps. 26:2-3).  Redeem me, O Lord,
the God of truth (Ps. 31:5).  Help me remember
that nothing and no one can be redeemed
without truth: the God of truth!

Show me Your ways, O Lord.  Teach me
Your paths.  Guide me in Your truth and teach
me, for You are God my savior, and my hope is
in You all day long (Ps. 25:4-5).

Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word Day by Day

Green Tuesday

Have you ever compared the price of a bar of soap and a bottle of body wash?  The body wash is around 4 times more than the soap.  Now I’ve heard that a 16 ounce bottle of body wash will last for 80 showers, but that’s not even close in my household.  Someone uses waaayy too much soap, and we go through it around every 3 weeks.  So that becomes pretty pricey.

They say that a bar of soap will last around 20 showers, but it’s less expensive and there will be less packaging waste too.  Here’s the trivia fact for the day.  If every U.S. household replaced a bottle of body wash with a bar of soap, roughly 2.5 million pounds of plastic containers could be diverted from the waste stream.  That is according to “the green book”. 

Last week I talked about the nylon poufs vs. the loofah.  We have switched over to a little pouch, one side is a loofah, and the other side is a cloth material.  A bar of soap fits inside the pouch, and you just lather it up.  I bought a 12 pack of Ivory soap at WalMart for $2.97 the other day, so I am practicing what I preach.  I must admit I’m not quite adjusted to the loofah yet, as I can’t get lots of bubbles, but we’re working on it.