Monthly Archives: February 2008

90 Day Bible Reading-Nehemiah, Esther, & Job

Nehemiah follows along closely with Ezra in the restoration of the temple, community, Jerusalem, and the covenant.  It shows the many ways that God was at work to restore the people of Israel to their land.  Allegiance was made to God, and the Jews were restored.  God never forsakes, and nothing is impossible for Him. 

Esther was a Jew who heard of the plan of Haman, the chief administrator to the Persian King, which was to kill the Jews.  She approached the king and told him of the plan, hiding the fact that she herself was a Jew.  The king listened to her, and Haman was put to death.  Esther was very brave for approaching the king.  God used her to save His people.

Job is a great read when you’re feeling down and out.  Job suffered the loss of everything at the hand of satan, but he never rebuked God.  Satan took everything but his life, and Job maintained his innocence to his 3 friends who came to comfort him.  They didn’t believe that Job was innocent.  Why would God take it all away?  Just confess your sins and repent!  But Job stayed firm and steadfast, even questioning God as to why he was suffering so much.  God answered him in a roundabout way, showing him all He’d created, and the greatness of it all.  Job demonstrated his righteousness and God heaped His blessings upon him for the rest of his life. 

Way to go #88!!!

Dale Jr. wins the shootout in his #88 Chevrolet for team Hendrick!!!!!  Can you tell I’m a little excited?  What a great way to start off the season.  We all knew he could do it if he had a good solid team backing him, someone that believes in him and his ability, talents and legacy!  What a race.  I loved the finish, loved the interview with Tony Stewart when he said he might even be better than his dad, and loved the rest of his team coming over to congratulate him.  Dale Jr. looked so happy tonight, more happy than he’s been in a long time.  My son Zach was pacing the floor on the last 2 laps, waiting to see his idol win again, and he did it.  Let’s do it again next Sunday! 

I can hardly wait for our racing season to start again, and I’d better get in a hurry with ordering our new #88’s for our cars.  That race made me forget all about having the flu! 

Prayer and fasting

Today was awesome in the most amazing way!  I prayed for over 31 families today, some that I’m close to and some that I’ve never met.  I prayed specifically for their needs, each and every one of them.  I feel so honored that they all shared their requests with me, and that I could do something that is so simple for me, yet can be so profound.  To everyone that emailed me, please know that I covered you in prayer on at least two separate occasions today, and many of you just popped into my head as I was doing something else so I prayed for you again.  I have faith that God is going to bless you all with His favor.  He is in control.  I learned so much today.  Sometimes a person has to be at rock bottom before they finally reach out, or cry out to Jesus.  When I pray for strength and endurance for my dh, maybe what he really needs is to feel empty and hopeless, so he has nowhere to turn but God.  That might be hard to surrender to, but I’m game if it works.  Surrender…

In a way, that’s what I did today.  I surrendered myself and put all else before me and it felt so good.  Did I get hungry?  Yeah!  You know those days where you’re just so busy you don’t have time to eat?  You don’t even really notice it!  Well I’ve done that before, and this is so much different.  I knew today that I couldn’t eat because I was giving that up for the greater good, and I got hungry.  My stomach was growling, and I was thinking of food.  But the Word of God sustained me.  He filled me up! 

In the words of Andrew Murray, “Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal.  Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God.” 

I need to do more of this, and I’m trying to listen and follow God’s leading, so I’m going to have to get back with you on what that actually means.  For now, I want to leave you with some very wise words from one of the women from the 1 Peter 3 group that I’m in.  We all participated in this fast today, and prayed for the salvation of each of our loved ones.  R wrote this.  “He will speak.  Expect it.  Don’t be surprised by the revelations or the confirmations.  Don’t be surprised by the power of your prayers or the desires to worship.  Do as the spirit of God leads and watch Him work through your surrendered hearts to bring about transformation.  He is doing a new thing.  Don’t be afraid of that new thing.  For some, your prayer life will change.  For others, you will understand worship in a new way.  And for others, you will be given the direction you’ve asked for.  This isn’t about giving up food, but about seeking His presence and His will above all else.  Enjoy your fellowship with Your creator.  Rest in His arms.  Give Him your cares and concerns.  Trust Him with what you’ve held onto.  The attack of the enemy will be strong.  But your God, He is bigger than the enemy’s attack!  Put on your full armor and wage war against the prince of darkness through worship.  Enter the holy of holies and dwell there.  Just hang out.  Drink up His presence and soak in His truth.  He Will Speak.”

Thankful Thursday


 Today I spent a little over 18 hours fasting and praying, so this edition of Thankful Thursday will be more spiritual. 

1.  I’m thankful that the Word of God sustained me today as I fasted and prayed.

2.  I’m thankful that the prayer time today transformed me. 

3.  Everything I’ve ever wanted in my life can be found in God.

4.  I’m thankful that my enemy is defeated because of what was done for me on the cross.

5.  I’m thankful that “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). 

6.  I’m thankful for peace, patience, endurance, comfort, salvation, gentleness, love, joy, faithfulness, grace, mercy, kindness, truth, healing, protection, guidance, wisdom, discernment, worship, forgiveness, Godly role models and mentors, reconciliation, restoration, glory, humility, knowledge and did I say forgiveness…

Prayer and fasting

This morning has been awesome.  I’ve only missed my frosted mini wheats and Cranberries once, and then God filled me up with love and adoration!  I’ve had 7 people request prayers, with 27 specific prayer requests so far, and I’ve spent the morning covering these friends in prayer.  I know God has heard and will respond to those in need, and I feel so blessed already.  I’ve discovered a new Psalm that is so beautiful I want to share it, but now have my little one who needs mommy’s attention.  I’m off to snuggle and pray some more for my 1 Peter 3 group.  If I can pray for you, please leave me a comment and I will be happy to include you.  God is so amazing! 

Works for Me Wednesday


 This post is coming to you a little late because I fell asleep snuggling with my sick little one.  The topic this week is online shopping, and where is your favorite place to find bargains on the web.  I have to admit, I’m pretty new to the shopping online because I’m pretty much an instant gratification person.  When I buy something, I like to have it in my hands!  With that said, I’ve just become a fan of ebay, and have found a few really great deals on there.  It does take some time to check it out and bid, but you can come away with some great deals.  I also love to support the artisans at etsy, for their handmade items.  Like I said, I’m pretty new to this, so you can check out tons more online shopping places over at Rocks in my Dryer


I’m in a 1 Peter 3 group that is taking today to fast and spend in focused prayer for our husbands and families.  I’m sending this out to open the floor up to your prayer requests, and I’ll add you to my list.  I would be happy to cover you in prayer, so just comment on this with your requests and I’ll pray.  I look forward to this time of worship and prayer, and can hardly wait to listen to what God has in store for us.  I’ll be blogging about it throughout the day, with verses regarding fasting, so check back for updates. 

90 Day Bible Reading-Ezra

Ezra begins where 2 Chronicles left off, the exiles return.  They started rebuilding the temple and found opposition from the enemies of Judah.  A letter was written against Jerusalem to King Artaxerxes, and he ordered the rebuilding to stop.  That lasted until King Darius was petitioned to search for documentation that King Cyrus had issued a decree that the temple be rebuilt, and that documentation was found, and a decree made for construction to begin. 

Chapter 7 tells us that Ezra was well versed in the Laws of God, and a teacher.  7:10 says”for Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. ”  Ezra travels from Babylon with a large number to Jerusalem under the allowance of king Artaxerxes. 

Chapter 9 discussed the disgrace that Ezra felt when he heard of the intermarriages.  It says he tore his cloak, pulled hair from his head and beard, then fell on his knees with his hands spread out and prayed. v6 – “O my God, I am too ashamed and disgraced to lift up my face to you, my God, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens. ”  A large crowd gathered around Ezra while he prayed, and they cried and confessed their sins.  Those found guilty pledged to put away their wives, and they presented a ram from the flock as a guilt offering. 

“Moore” Monday #10





Father, so often I feel like the boy’s father who first exclaimed, “I do believe!” then in a flood of sincerity cried out, “Help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).  Please help me overcome my own unbelief, Lord, so I can start taking You at Your Word.

I pray that the eyes of my heart may be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which You have called me, the riches of Your glorious inheritance in the saints, and Your incomparably great power to us who believe! (Eph. 1:18-19). 

As You did for the jailer who received salvation through the witness of Paul and Silas, fill me with joy when I choose to believe You (Acts 16:34).

Beth Moore-Praying God’s Word Day by Day


Sunday Scripture 10


Today’s scripture comes from my 90 day bible reading schedule, 2 Chronicles 16:23. 

“This is what Cyrus king of Persia says:

” ‘ the Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms

of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him

at Jerusalem in Judah.  Anyone of his people among you–

may the Lord his God be with him, and let him go up.’ “

Hasn’t He given us all the kingdoms of the earth?  I think we’re all missionaries for Him and His kingdom.  Go out and spread the love of Christ this week.  Share it with someone who doesn’t know Him!