This is supposed to be a weekly installment, but I seem to be lagging. I’m making the effort tonight, and that’s big, not because I don’t have anything to be thankful for, but because I am struggling. Struggling with my own thoughts and emotions. So that’s why this is good Pam. I need to focus on the good things. Here goes…
Today I am thankful for
1. My baby Boo is feeling better tonight, and she had a good day of rest and relaxation.
2. My Zach got a haircut last night, and he looks so handsome. He’s been growing it and opposed to getting it cut, but daddy said he should go. It was one of those things that I chose not to pick a battle over, because I thought he was hansome either way. But now I can see his eyes better, and he’s the only one with my green eyes!
3. My Matthew is my Kissaroo. He loves to hug, cuddle and smooch me, so I’m trying to relish that for the time being. Because I know it won’t last long.
4. The little bit of snow that we had is still beautiful and glistening white today. It shimmers on the tree branches.
5. Fast Food. My meal plan for this week included a few casseroles, which apparently most of my family dislikes. After two days of snarled noses, tonight I went on strike and we had fast food.
6. God and his healing words spoken at just the right time.
7. A very nice talk with my parents last night on the phone. It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, but I always feel the love and prayers from them. Even if I was a terrible teen!
8. Freshly vacuumed floors, and mopped up muddy doggie paw prints from the kitchen.
9. Bedtime stories. In December, our stories are about Jesus, and it feels so good to have Matthew talk to me about Joseph. He remembers something from sunday school, and shared it with me. It was so touching. So sweet.
10. The Advent wreath and readings have been insightful and inspiring. We even made it through tonight’s without any disruptions.
So, I made it through, and could have actually gone on farther. God Bless You.