Tag Archives: psalm 57

Prayer for Struggles and Trials

Jesus, I pray that in the midst of trials and struggles we are experiencing right now, that we will look to You to be our strength and refuge until these calamities have passed by (Psalm 57:1).

Only You know the depths of pain, fear, anger, sadness, and hurt. Only You can save. Only You can make all things new. Only You can heal hearts.

I put my trust in You, Lord, and believe that You are in this. I know You have a plan and it is for good. Help us to focus our eyes on You.

Place a hedge of protection around our household and keep us safe from evil. Give us wisdom as to where You want us to be, and what actions we need to take. Guide our every step and help us to choose love in all things.

Thank You for Your grace, mercy, love and forgiveness.
