Random thoughts

Tuesday night and Wednesday morning we were pelted with freezing rain and ice, so we had hoped for a 2 hour delay in school, but no such luck.  I just have a problem with scraping the ice off of my car, while little pellets of ice hit me in the head, to drive my kids to school.  Apparently the school board isn’t as concerned as I am.  It wasn’t better at the end of the day picking them up either because it had continued to sleet most of the day.  I took a few pictures to share with you, and obviously that didn’t happen. 

Yesterday was Valentine’s day.  I hope everyone had a great one, and felt totally loved.  I fixed a great meal for everyone, and even dessert that was red to match the theme.  It was the best meal I’ve made since Thanksgiving, and it was a whole lot less work.  That made it even better!  It was pork tenderloin and roasted veggies, angel food cake with strawberries, glaze and whipped topping.  Again, I took pictures to post, and it hasn’t happened. 

Today Brian and Brooke are together on a ski trip (a school field trip).  This was one event that I passed on to Dad to do, as I really didn’t want to be in traction for the next 6 weeks!  Field trips sure have changed since I was a kid! 

I talked to Brian earlier and they both still had all bones intact.  He was on the lift watching Brooke go down.  I’m sad sitting here knowing that I’m missing such a big event with her!  I took a picture this morning, and sent the camera with instructions for them to take lots, LOTS of pictures.  (Do you see a theme here with pictures?  I’m starting to think I should change the title of this post to something like, ” I took pictures but didn’t post them!)  Well, I can just imagine her and all her friends laughing ang having  a blast together.  She deserves it too.  I’ve been a little worried about her.  She’s been complaining of a headache and stomachache a lot lately, and I’ve been trying to get out of her what’s bothering her.  The typical pre-teen, she likes to keep things to herself.  She told me that she’s being bullied by someone at school, someone who we’ve had problems with in the past.  It hurts me to think about the pain she’s felt, and kept it to herself because she knew I would call the school to try and fix it, but then she would be a tattletale.  Brian and I both talked to her, and yesterday she nicely asked the girl to stop.  We’ll see what happens next.  I’m praying about it. 

That’s about all the random thoughts I have for now.  Maybe I’ll post some pictures soon…. 

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